On April 30, 2021, President Biden signed a Proclamation suspending the entry of certain nonimmigrant travelers who have been physically present in India, which will go into effect at 12:01 AM EDT on Tuesday, May 4. Immigrants, U.S. citizens, and lawful permanent residents (LPR) are not subject to the proclamation. Some other exceptions include, but are not limited to: foreign diplomats traveling to the United States on A or G visas and certain family members of U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents including spouses, minor children, parents (provided that his/her U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident child is unmarried and under the age of 21), and siblings (provided that both the sibling and the U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident are unmarried and under the age of 21). There is also an exception for air and sea crew traveling to the United States on C, D, or C1/D visas. For the full list of those not subject to the Proclamation, please refer to the Proclamation text, available on the White House website at: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/04/30/a-proclamation-on-the-suspension-of-entry-as-nonimmigrants-of-certain-additional-persons-who-pose-a-risk-of-transmitting-coronavirus-disease-2019/

Contact Darren Heyman, immigration attorney, for more information,